Wow, what a year this has been. Lots of quilting and sewing was definitely happening, and just like every year, I tried (sometimes successfully, other times not so much) to juggle my family, work, and this wonderful hobby of mine without getting overwhelmed or too much out of balance in either area.
I quilted to my heart's content and I'm especially happy about tackling my daughter's Pinkie Pie quilt as well as Single Girl and Marcelle Medallion.
It wasn't all about complicated quilts for me, though. This year I gained a new appreciation for simple patchwork quilts and their old time charm. Would you be surprised if I told you that my Autumn Penny Patch quilt I made as part of Penny Patch quilt along organized by Rachel is my very favorite quilt for this year?
And then there were pillows, of course. I don't think I will ever get tired of making pillows.
And lots and lots of small projects. I do love to mix things up and alternate between big quilty projects and smaller, almost instant gratification, ones.
Thank you so much to all of you for your support and encouragement. I really appreciate you coming along on this wonderfully crafty journey with me. Here's to a blessed and joyful 2014 filled with new experiences, adventures, friends, and family.