autumn penny patch {all finished}

I'm absolutely positively in love with my finished Autumn Penny Patch quilt. 

It was planned to be a "couch quilt" from the very beginning, so I made it long and skinny to fit our couch cushions nicely.

I so love all these pretty colors together (you can read about my color inspiration for this quilt here).

I decided to use my long hoarded Amy Butler Wallflowers yardage for the backing. I think it works really well with all the light, citrusy colors of the quilt top.

Striped black and white binding seemed like just the right finishing touch.

I made this quilt as part of Rachel's Penny Patch quilt along which is going on right now. There's still time to join in if you like.

I love this simple, sort of vintage pattern so much I might even have to make one more of these quilts, this time for our bed. Before I jump into that, though, I have to get back to my Christmas sewing list. Too many projects, too little time. Just 47 sleeps and Christmas is here!!!

Have a lovely day. Svetlana
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