sewing therapy

Just two more days and I'm off to my first ever craft fair. Yay?!?! As I said before, I'm both excited as well as anxious about the whole thing. There are times when I think I have enough inventory and it will all go well. Then, there are times when I worry that I have too little, or even too much??? Nuts, I know.

To help with my anxiety, I sewed.

I made birdie Christmas ornaments. Aren't they the sweetest? I followed Kajsa's tutorial on how to make these tiny creatures.

I love how they turned out and making them was a lot of fun. Plus, I got to use up some of my scraps.

I think they will look sweet displayed on my very fluffy Christmas tree. My kids made it clear already  that we need some of these birdies on our tree so I'm looking forward to making a lot more of them once the fair is over.

I also made a few sets of coasters and suddenly the world seemed like a much better place. Phew! I definitely love this "sewing therapy". 

I have just three more sets of coasters to finish up, price and pack all my products, and I'll be ready. Fingers crossed.

For all you Naperville area folks, the fair will take place

on Nov. 10th from 9:00 to 4:00
at Trinity Church of the Nazarene (1451 Raymond Drive, Naperville, IL 60563)
Hope to see you there.
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