lately ....

As usual, I find myself  jumping from project to project, starting some, pushing others to my UFO piles, but thankfully managing to finish some, too. Here' s what I've been up to lately.

I started this baby quilt as part of our MQG challenge to make something quilted using orange, aqua, and gray. I'm glad I went with this wonky cross block, it was easy and fun to make and I've wanted to give it a try for quite some time.

I've also been making some Christmas stockings. Aren't they the sweetest? I'm using this fantastic tutorial by Fabricworm. I'm completely in love with these stockings and would highly recommend this free tutorial to anyone considering making Christmas stockings.

My biggest accomplishment this week, however, is finally finishing my Vintage Holiday quilt. Pictures of the finished quilt coming soon.

As you can see, my mind is totally skipping all the upcoming holidays and focuses exclusively on Christmas. Oh, I do love Christmas. Which reminds me, I'd better get moving on my FIL's quilt. 

So far I have this ONE block made. Just 19 more to make and I'm ready to baste! ha!

Have a wonderful day. Svetlana

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