2014 {looking back}

Hello, happy Tuesday to you all!

Can you believe 2015 is around the corner? I must admit, I'm not that sorry to see 2014 go. It was a full, many times incredibly stressful, sort of a roller coaster kind of year with ups reaching high and lows plunging me to new, unknown lows. I learned a lot about myself and life in general though, so hopefully it was all worth it :).  And, I definitely would not mind if 2015 was a little bit more balanced (fingers crossed).

Before I start looking to 2015 though, I thought a little recap of my sewing/ quilting year was totally in order.

I did a lot less quilting than I did previous years, but looking at my mosaic I still quilted plenty :). I think I was a bit more focused and quilted with more purpose in mind, I hope to take that with me into the next year as our house is "slightly" overflowing with quilts and quilted pillows at the moment.

I did, however, bring my "more is more" mentality into making bags and pouches, it seems:)...

...as well as lots of other little, almost instant gratification, projects.

What can I say? Sewing is fun, and a stress reliever for me,  and I enjoyed making each and every one of these projects immensely.

Sewing each day definitely keeps my crazies away :)

Thank you all so very much for your support and encouragement. Thank you for coming over, reading, commenting, and sharing this creative journey with me.

Here's to a blessed 2015 full of new adventures and experiences. Happy New Year friends! Svetlana
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