scrappy stacked coins

When I first started making this little quilt I wanted to simply join lots of scrappy strips together and turn them into this kind of quilt. After I finished just a few blocks though, it all looked like such a disorganized mess I knew it was time for plan B - Kona Snow to the rescue. I recut the colored strips and used Kona Snow to calm things down and bring much needed order to the quilt.

I then used big strips of no longer loved fabrics for the backing. I find this to be a good way to use up that fabric that no longer sings to me yet I don't feel good about simply getting rid of it. You know what I mean, right? I'm sure we all have quite a few of those fabrics in our stash. (and Rachel has tons of great ideas on what to make with all that no longer loved fabric on her blog if you're interested)

I was out of 505 spray when I finished this quilt top so I decided to pin baste it. All I can say I will try very hard not to run out of basting spray ever again. I did not enjoy poking all those pins through the layers at all. To top it all off, I kept getting ginormous puckers when trying to machine quilt it. 

So, I decided hand quilting was the only reasonable way to go, unless I wanted to re-baste the quilt which I did not want to do at all :) Oh, how I love those big chunky stitches. I'm actually  glad about all the changes I had to make along the way and I'm pretty sure I like this second version of the quilt a lot better than the one I started with :)

 Thanks for reading, friends. Have a very lovely day. Svetlana
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