The other day I was in a mood for some simple sewing. I was going for an instant gratification kind of project, so I decided to make a sweet little coin pouch.
I pulled out a few pretty scraps (very little fabric is needed for this cutie) and followed my own tutorial which I wrote many moons ago. In fact, it was my first ever sewing tutorial.
And then I made a second, this time boy version of the little pouch. They really are super quick to make.
I'm thinking of making a few more of these in different colors and keeping them as quick back up birthday presents for my kids' friends. Because yes, my children do tend to remember their friends' birthdays as we're about to leave for school on a regular basis :)
These pouches finish at 3" x 4". They are a great size for holding a gift card, too.
Working with my own tutorial made me realize I wanted to make my tutorial page more organized and streamlined. Now, it's easier said than done for a person like me who has never ever dipped her toes in anything HTML. Thankfully I found this amazing tutorial on how to create a project gallery and I absolutely love the new look. Hope you'll check it out (click here to go to my tutorial page).
As always, my tutorials are free for personal or charity/ fundraiser use. Also, if you make a project using my tutorial, please add it to sotak handmade inspired Flickr group. I'd love to see all your gorgeous creations.
Wishing you all a very lovely and creative day. Svetlana