more scrap play

Lately it's mostly been about scraps and smaller projects with me. Have you noticed? I'm also seriously addicted to making drawstring bags.

I made a larger version of my little drawstring bag.

 Once again, I made this bag the same way I make simple drawstring bags, but this one is a little larger and I boxed the corners so it can stand on its own.

I don't think I will ever get tired of striped casing, or binding, or any other striped accent :)

Finished size of this bag is  8" x 5" x 4".

Another very fun, and just as addictive project I discovered are these scrappy lanyards and key fobs. I simply adore the combination of pretty scraps, leather, and a chunky cross stitch.

I used Amy's pattern from her book Zakka Handmades for this project.

How about you? What are you into these days? Svetlana
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