scrap therapy

Yesterday I found a remedy for extremely low temperatures and being house bound for days with three kids who are getting on each other's nerves - sewing, lots of sewing using pretty, bright, happy fabric. 

Turning my disorganized ginormous scrap pile into these lovely Economy blocks proved to be a real sanity saver, and so very fun too. I once made a pillow using this block. I paper pieced all six blocks and by the time I was finished with the last one I was sick of it and never wanted to make another Economy block again :(  So this time I decided to follow Rita's instructions (no paper piecing involved). I do like her method a lot better.

I'm getting all giddy with excitement knowing that not only is this going to be such a fun and colorful quilt, I'm also finally putting my scraps to good use. Yay!!!!

What have you been up to lately? Any new projects in the works?

Linking up to Lee's WIP Wednesday.
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