in the works...

I'm planning on being a busy bee these next few days. I even have a plan, and a list. Well, I make lists all the time, to tell the truth, but I never stick to them :( 

This time, however, there are only three things on my list and I'm beyond excited about each of them.

My number one priority arrived in the mail yesterday. Seriously, how cute is this skeleton??? Must, must, must work on it tonight.

I also had the sudden need to turn leftover blocks from my Pink Bricks quilt (which I made way back in April) into a baby quilt. I don't know what the rush in my head is since these blocks were happily sitting around for months, but when the idea strikes, one must listen, right?

Penny Patch Quilt-Along

And then there's Rachel's new Penny Patch quilt along. OK, so the quilt along is for the beginners, but I really love her quilt and can't wait to make my own. 

I started pulling some fabric from my stash, these two quilts being my main color inspiration, but I still need to tweak this pile and definitely add a lot more low volume fabrics. I'm hoping to achieve a nice vintage look, any suggestions?

Wishing you all a very lovely rest of the day. Svetlana
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