change of plans

Hello, happy Sunday to you all. How's everyone doing? Hope you all are having a lovely weekend. I had big sewing plans for this weekend....and then I broke my toe :( 

So, instead of making a planned progress on this quilt (scrapper's delight from Sunday Morning Quilts) for my son, I spent hours at the doctor's office.

 My foot was then placed in the ugliest shoe possible and I was told to keep off my feet for rest of the weekend and go see the specialist on Monday (another very sad face here).

What is it with those medical things that they have to be so ugly?

So, to make myself feel a little better while still obeying doctor's orders, I decided to work on some EPP hexagons. Aren't they pretty? I'm thinking of turning them into a small wall hanging or a pillow. Maybe something similar to this beauty by Malka.

Hope your weekend turned out much better than mine. Talk to you soon. Svetlana
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