getting ready

I have big sewing/ quilting plans for this week. I finally decided it's time to become more serious about FMQ and practice!!!! It's a biggie, I'm telling you. I hate practicing, it always seems like such a waste of time. I know, totally irrational.

So, here's what I've decided. Instead of making small quilt sandwiches for practice only, I made three baby quilt tops and plan on basting them and using those to try out some fun patterns. 

This way I will get some practice done, while getting these charity baby quilts finished at the same time. Win win, I hope. 

Here they are, all pressed and ready to be basted. And you know what? I'm actually kind of excited about this new learning experience.  I will definitely let you know how it all went.

Also, I wanted to let you know about a new fun blog hop my friend Heidi started today.

Fabric Mutt

It's all about desks and study/ work spaces and how to make them prettier and better organized. I'm so excited to be a part of this blog hop and thought I'd share a little sneak peek of what I'm working on.

Here's the schedule for the blog hop. Oh, and there will be some giveaways, too :)

Mon., April 1 -- Heidi Staples @ Fabric Mutt
Tue., April 2 -- Kristy @ Quiet Play (Pink Chalk Fabrics giveaway: $25 certificate)
Wed., April 3 -- Becca Bryan @ Bryan House Quilts
Thur., April 4 -- Amanda Woodruff @ A Crafty Fox (Westwood Acres giveaway)
Fri., April 5 -- Lee Heinrich @ Freshly Pieced
Mon., April 8 -- Svetlana Sotak @ SOTAK Handmade
Tue., April 9 -- Beth @ Plum and June (Sew Me a Song giveaway: fabric bundle)
Wed., April 10 -- Taryn @ From Pixels to Patchwork
Thur., April 11 -- Lori Hartman @ Lori H. Designs (Fabricworm giveaway: Robotic fabric bundle)
Fri., April 12 -- Leanne @ She Can Quilt
Mon., April 15 -- Blog Hop Recap at Fabric Mutt

Thanks so much for stopping by. Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the day. Svetlana
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