seeing stars

Hello, happy Monday.

I got my Juki back from the "machine doctor" on Saturday so my weekend was finally filled with sewing. Tons of it, I might add.

I was going to make progress on some of my wips, and suddenly (totally completely out of nowhere) I started working on a new quilt.

At first there were just these two pretty stars (I'm following Allison's tutorial) and by the time I was going to bed on Sunday night I had 16/ 36 made.

As you can see, I'm still very much on low volume and brights combination. I wonder how many quilts it will take before I get tired of this combo.

I also made a few Dumplings . This was the first one, two more are half way done so I'll share pictures once they are finished.

How was your weekend? Did you get any sewing done?

Wishing you all a very lovely day. Svetlana
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