marcelle medallion {hand quilting}

I finally basted my Marcelle Medallion quilt.

I had no idea how to quilt it (all those pointy triangles were making it hard to decide), I simply hoped that once I had my quilt sandwich all nicely basted, the idea would come. And it did, phew!

I decided to machine stitch in the ditch around each border to secure all the layers together and now I'm slowly hand quilting the rest. Nothing fancy, mostly just outlining the shapes.

Unlike previous times when I used either perle cotton or embroidery thread for hand quilting, I'm using regular quilting thread this time. It's thin but sturdy and the stitches are almost disappearing into the quilt. Just what this quilt needs since it's so very busy with all the colors and patterns competing for attention.

A big thanks to Chase who wrote a very nice guide to hand quilting.
Wishing you all a very lovely weekend. Svetlana
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