lesson learnt ...

 I made yet another pillow the other day. We did not need it since our house is flooded with patchwork pillows, but I had an idea floating in my head and I had to give it a try.

I made a scrappy strip of patchwork, sandwiched it between two strips of Kona blue, and I started quilting. And I mean quilting! - first I used white thread and quilted my would be pillow cover using very dense unequally spaced straight lines. Once that was done, I decided to switch to the lime/yellow variegated thread and quilted randomly between the white lines.

I must say, it looked pretty cool so I happily continued with my original plan for a pillow.

Once it was all finished, however, I realized that all that quilting made for a very stiff, not at all pleasantly squishy pillow. Dah!!! Pretty, but not useful. And, since I dislike not functional things very, very much, this called for some drastic measures.

Out came the seam ripper and a new idea popped into my head. Want to see? Ta-da!!!!

I turned the unappealing stiff pillow into a pouch. Not bad, right?

This lovely patchwork and heavy quilting suits the pouch so much better. It's nice and sturdy, and pretty stylish (in my own, totally biased opinion).

I just love this bright yellow metal zipper, and I even remembered to add a charm for a zipper pull.

Finished size of the pouch is 5.5" x 9.5".

All in all, I'm going to call this a pretty successful experience. And, I still have one more piece of this quilted patchwork left, it really wants to become a needle book, but on that later.

Thanks so much for reading. Have a lovely day everyone.

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