ugly weather = lots of sewing

The weather has been absolutely horrible in the last couple of days as we alternate between extreme cold (all the way down to -20F a few days ago) and totally unseasonal warmth (60F today) with rain pouring like crazy. Oh, it would be nice to go outside without either getting completely drenched, or frozen. One can always dream, right?

So, to brighten things up, I started working on a few new projects. 

I finally decided on the fabric for my triple- zip pouch for Debbie's sew along

My pixelated heart pillow is finished, pictures coming as soon as the sun decides to show up.

The project that needs my attention right now, though, is this bright log cabin quilt top. I got totally stuck on how to quilt it. I'm really tempted to use this tutorial (thanks, Kelly) to quilt it in concentric circles but I worry that it will make for a very stiff quilt. Any experience with this kind of quilting?

Before I go, here's a little peak at my latest project inspired by these gorgeous flowers on my kitchen table.

Hope you all stay warm and dry. Have a lovely day, friends. Svetlana

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