coral, aqua, gray

The other day I realized I did not have any major projects being carried over from last year. Whaaaat?!?! I know, crazy! Of course I have a few orphan blocks, but that doesn't even count, right? So, to celebrate, and remedy this uncommon situation, I started not just one, but two new quilts. Want to see?

I have all the blocks finished for the quilt #1. It's going to be a simple strip lap quilt, similar to this one I made a few months ago. I seem to really like coral, aqua, white, and gray color combo these days (doesn't it sound so much more chic than just saying plain red, white, and blue?). I've had a stack of these fabrics waiting around for quite some time. It felt so good to finally cut into them and sew like there was no tomorrow.

And, to prove that I really am into these colors, here's the quilt #2 in its beginning stages.

This is a very improv, make it up as you go sort of quilt. I'm finding out that I really enjoy making quilts like that. Let's hope I will be able to turn these random strips of fabric into something cohesive. It looks really good in my head, it's that transforming the idea into a real quilt that gets quite tricky sometimes.

How about you, what have you been up to? Do tell.

Linking up to Lee's WIP Wednesday.
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