These are the two of my very favorite stars. I used a lot of different fabrics from my stash, so I'm not even going to attempt to mane them all here. You can see all the stars in more detail here and here. The only fabric I bought specifically for this quilt was the one I used for the border (it's by Amy Butler from her Love collection).
I used a Shabby Chic sheet I bought at Target a while ago for the backing. I've loved that sheet for such a long time, it was so tempting to put it on our bed, but I simply could not imagine what the expression on my husband's face would be if our bed was covered in pink flowers?!?!
I decided to quilt around the outline of the stars as well as the inset diamonds. I did not want to quilt inside the stars themselves, I felt like I would lose some of their charm so I used a white six strand embroidery floss and tied it inside each star.
I had a very hard time deciding on the binding. I usually go with darker colored binding, but it did not work well this time. I pulled out almost half of my stash and finally decided to go with this white and green small polka dot fabric, and since the whole quilt is so scrappy, I added some white and purple polka dot to the mix.